Monday, 11 February 2013

Social Media Gaze: 20(13) & beyond

Social Media
Social Media has become number 1 activity on Web today.Facebook has cemented its dominant position, and is now the first choice in all but 10 countries. With million of user, it is  the biggest social networking site in the world. Pinterest became the darling of the social media set, especially the ladies and fashionistas. Twitter continued to grow, Google+ continued to grow with over 400 million users, in every second 2 new member joins LinkedIn, Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world.

“Social Media is Living – Breathing – Mysterious – Powerful – Fluid – Raw and Revolutionary”

With itself its bringing in a lot of opportunities in the year 2013. It has effected everything from from TV industry to education to politics, to businesses, to Job market, to revolutionary waves, you name it and its on Social Media.

Around 50% of world population is under 30 years old, and this population is yet to explore the world of social media. So, to connect with people around the world one needs to be out there. However is it all about just being connect or its also about ROIs?????? Social Media has also played an important role in pumping huge for revenue if we talk in terms of business. Embracing social media is a huge undertaking, and involves a large investment. 

Social Media

For any one to leverage Social Media for greater ROI, one needs to concentrate on 3 major components:

Engage: we cannot ignore the fact that personalizing is important approach to social media marketing, it’s also important to engage. Without engagement, you leave your audience out of the equation.
Transparent: It is very important for the business, organisation to be transparent while engaging themselves with the audience. Building trust is very important in marketing your brand/website/blog. And trust comes through transparency.
Content: Links, posts, videos, images, comments, re-tweets  mentions … the list goes on. Content has always been the pillar of all marketing efforts. There are clear indications that content is going to be even more important in the social media context.

Social media plays an important role in how consumers/audience discover, research, and share information about brands and products. 

1 comment:

  1. Very informative..
    Follow me on
